Consider this my entry (or re-entry) into a writing career.
I've been having an extremely difficult time getting back to writing. This is mainly because I have ADHD, and there is simply too much to write about. My mind is constantly overflowing with ideas, thoughts, parallels, jokes, and encouraging snippets. Where do I put it all? How can I find one neat place for all of it?
I can't.
But I will.
So please be prepared for an eclectic, hopefully uplifting, sometimes encouraging, and occasionally shocking new series of posts.
Here's what I would like you to know:
I am okay
No matter what you read, see, feel, or hear through my writing, in the end, I know I will be okay. And I owe that all to God. I love Jesus and I will never stop trusting in Him. But I might not fit your idea of a "Good Christian" when you read my work, and that's okay. It's time for me to stop pretending and to show my authentic self.
If there's any doubt in your mind about my faith, or if you are concerned that I have "fallen away," let me assure you that I haven't. My faith just looks a lot different right now as I'm in the gut-wrenching trenches of literally keeping my quadriplegic husband alive, and I'm facing reality the only way I know possible: with a load of grace from God, undying love for my family, and a little bit of weed.
If you want to crucify me for being a little coarse, or smoking the occasional joint (which not only helps with the physical pain I have from Rheumatoid Arthritis and migraines but also grants me several hours, if not days, of relief from anxiety and stress - I can't say any of that about the pills I get from the pharmacy), go ahead. I've dug to the very bottom of myself, and I'm rebuilding brick by brick. No one else should have a say in how I do that.
If you feel compelled to tell me what I’m doing wrong or that my soul is in danger, please don't. I welcome your prayers, but I am only having in-depth, personal conversations with a few close and trusted friends. My emotional tank is running on reserves right now. Sorting through my various hurts, traumas, and misled beliefs will be emotionally exhausting enough without having to hash through it with everyone who wants to challenge me or correct me.
If you find my writing odd or disorganized at first, please bear with me. I promise you will see several themes emerge as we go.
The most important thing you need to know is this: I love Jesus, I trust in God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I believe the tenets of the Apostles creed. Beyond that, I'm seeking to organize the elements of my life in a way that makes sense to me.
So here we go! You can expect faith-based writing as well as humor, drama and romance (well, maybe not here), philosophical wanderings and wonderings, informational, inspirational, and satire.
Are you with me?
I am with you every step of the way! Your determination, authenticity, and amazing grace in light of all the crap you’ve been trudging through is nothing but astounding in all the best possible ways. Shine on like the diamond you are. ♥️